YOU are amazing!

You-can-postFirst of all, thanks everyone for bearing with me as my posts are few and far between while I finish out my masters in Critical and Creative Thinking. I think I have the creative part down; it is working on the critical and deciding part that challenges me.  Anyway, I will be back in full force in May, but until then posts may be few and far between.

However, for right now, I have something that is on my mind, or you could say that I’ve been wondering about. Since I am a working mother, the sole insurance provider of my family, working since I’ve earned my bachelors, taking maybe 6-8 weeks off for each of my three babies and will always continue to work – something has been heavy on my heart.


Starting with these three statements, all from different women in different situations who are trying to form what it means to be a working woman, mother, career person, etc.

Working woman number one emails her co-workers: “My sweet child woke at 3 a.m. last night with 102 fever — it was a long night. I know it’s not the same as being in the office, but I will be working here from home again, as I’m able.  Please, please let me know if you need anything. I feel so bad I’m not there, but my baby needs me here.”

Working woman number two says the following: “I’m really excited about my new job. I know I will have to take classes online to finish my degree, but this is a dream job. I have a really nice office, but I feel bad for those co-workers who have been there and do not have the office.”

Working woman number three posts on social media: “How does one keep their life/work/kids’ calendars straight? After having my second child, I just keep missing things—even when they are in my calendar! I would love any tips or tricks! Thank you in advance, from a scatterbrained mother who just forgot my kid’s doctor appointment.”


inspirationIs this you? It is me! Or rather was me, and still sometimes is. I’m sure if you are like me, you have said these things once, twice, or maybe many more times. Most of the women I know work super hard to prove themselves and get to where they are. This includes the up and coming generation. In additions, working moms have so many more challenges – it can be difficult just getting through the day. Let alone, getting through the day with a sick child and ain’t no daycare, mom, dad, or school got time for that. But it is a fact, kids get sick, need doctors’ appointments, and typically it is during the worst demanding deadline week of the year or your life. While I was trying to save vacation for maternity leave, my first two came down with chicken pox, and one had the vaccine! So Murphy’s Law is real and alive in a working women’s/mother’s life!


My point is we should not have to apologize for staying home with a sick child when we are going to be working on Saturday, anyway. We should not have to apologize for getting the corner office because – girl, you earned it! You proved yourself enough through your work in getting the job in the first place. You are amazing! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss an appointment or two out of the million other appointments, meals planned, baths given, meetings attended, chores completed, tasks accomplished, and noses wiped (including your own for missing your child’s four-month appointment).  This could go for dads, too. I just have a special place in my heart for working women and mothers because I’ve been there. I know the struggle. Be proud of the fact that you worked hard to be able to take a day off when a family member needs you, you worked hard to prove yourself in an interview so you get that corner office, or be happy that you showed up and engaged with nine out of ten appointments for the week. Appointments can always be re-scheduled, deadlines will always be there, and you will continue to work hard regardless the number of sick kids, meetings missed or offices you do or do not have. YOU are amazing. YOU work hard. YOU deserve that office. Most of all, you deserve to give yourself a break and not be too hard for not being perfect. It’s time you give yourselves credit for how amazing you all are.


Now, it’s your turn. I know many of you have stories to share about how tough it is working as a mom, working as women, or just working in general. If you feel so inclined, share your story. I know you have one.
